Registry Search

The USYAKS registry is a science-based yak registry based on modern DNA research and testing.

The database/registry can be searched here.  Searches can be done from a number of various fields.

By entering a yak’s USYAKS tag number the certificate for that specific yak will be displayed.

To display a group or category of multiple yaks, searches can be performed on criteria such as birth year or specific ranch HerdID.  For example, if “12” is typed in the <USYAKS tag> field, all registered yaks born in 2012 will display.  Note that fields are CASE SENSITIVE, for example typing “SBY” in the <HerdID> field should be typed to indicate a search looking for yaks registered by Smiling Buddha Yaks.

The <Ranch> field returns yaks owned by a particular ranch.  If the word “wind” is typed into the <Ranch> field, a list of all yaks owned by Prairie Wind Yaks and those owned by Steppenwinds Yaks will be displayed.